Delicious Blueberry Monkey Bread Recipe

Blueberry Monkey Bread combines the joy of fluffy, pull-apart bread with the sweet tanginess of blueberries, creating a treat that’s both visually appealing and deliciously satisfying. This dish is a wonderful addition to any brunch or cozy morning at home. Not only does it offer a burst of blueberry flavor, but it’s also a fun twist on traditional monkey bread.

Ingredients and Recipe Preparation

To begin, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • Dough: All-purpose flour, milk, active dry yeast, sugar, salt, and eggs.
  • Filling: Fresh blueberries, blueberry jam, and cinnamon.
  • Icing: Cream cheese, powdered sugar, and vanilla extract.

Firstly, prepare the dough by combining warm milk with a sprinkle of sugar and yeast, letting it sit until frothy—a process crucial for the dough’s rise, which you can learn more about in this comprehensive guide to using yeast. Then, mix in melted butter, eggs, and flour until a soft dough forms. Let this rise in a warm place until doubled in size, which is about an hour.

Baking and Serving

Once the dough has risen, punch it down and divide it into small balls. Dip each ball in melted butter, then roll it in a mixture of cinnamon and sugar. Layer these dough balls in a bundt pan, interspersing layers of dough with spoonfuls of blueberry jam and fresh blueberries. For an extra burst of flavor, include a handful of berries which are known for their health benefits.

Bake at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for about 35-40 minutes or until the top is golden and the center is cooked through. Once out of the oven, let it cool for a few minutes before turning it out onto a plate. Drizzle with a glaze made from cream cheese, powdered sugar, and vanilla, adding a creamy texture that complements the sticky-sweet bread.

Nutritional Information

While Blueberry Monkey Bread is undeniably a treat, it offers more than just taste:

  • Calories: Moderate, mainly from sugars and carbs.
  • Vitamins: High in vitamin C from blueberries.
  • Adaptability: Easily modified to reduce sugar or substitute gluten-free flour.

For those looking to make a healthier version, consider using less sugar or substituting some of the all-purpose flour with whole wheat flour.

Variations of the Recipe

Blueberry Monkey Bread is wonderfully adaptable. Here are a few variations to try:

  • Raspberry Monkey Bread: Swap out blueberries for raspberries.
  • Chocolate Chip Monkey Bread: Add chocolate chips for a decadent treat.
  • Vegan Monkey Bread: Use plant-based milk and butter, and replace eggs with a flaxseed mixture.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Can I use frozen blueberries? Yes, frozen blueberries work well, but make sure to thaw and drain them first to avoid excess moisture.
  • How long does Blueberry Monkey Bread last? It’s best enjoyed fresh but can be stored in an airtight container for up to 2 days.
  • Can I make it ahead of time? Yes, prepare the dough and assemble the bread in the bundt pan the night before, then bake it in the morning.


Blueberry Monkey Bread is more than just a bread; it’s an experience. Each bite offers a gooey, fruity burst that makes it impossible to stop at just one piece. Whether you’re serving it at a family brunch or enjoying it as a sweet snack, it’s sure to bring smiles all around. So, why not give this recipe a try and add a little joy to your baking adventures?

Ingredients and Recipe Preparation

here’s a detailed list of ingredients for making dough, filling, and icing for cinnamon rolls:


  • 4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 packet (2 1/4 teaspoons) active dry yeast
  • 1 cup warm milk (about 110°F or 45°C)
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter, melted
  • 2 large eggs


  • 1 cup packed brown sugar
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons ground cinnamon
  • 1/3 cup unsalted butter, softened


  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 2-3 tablespoons milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Recipe Preparation:

  • Activate the yeast:

In a small bowl, dissolve the yeast in warm milk and let it sit for about 5-10 minutes until it becomes frothy.

  • Prepare the dough:

In a large mixing bowl, combine flour, granulated sugar, and salt. Make a well in the center and add the activated yeast mixture, melted butter, and eggs. Mix until a dough forms.

  • Knead the dough:

Turn the dough onto a floured surface and knead for about 5-7 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic. Place the dough in a greased bowl, cover with a clean kitchen towel or plastic wrap, and let it rise in a warm place for about 1-2 hours or until doubled in size.

  • Make the filling:

In a small bowl, mix together the brown sugar and cinnamon until well combined.

  • Roll out the dough:

Once the dough has doubled in size, punch it down and roll it out on a floured surface into a large rectangle, about 1/4 inch thick.

  • Spread the filling:

Spread the softened butter evenly over the rolled-out dough, then sprinkle the brown sugar and cinnamon mixture over the butter.

  • Roll the dough:

Starting from one long edge, tightly roll the dough into a log. Pinch the seam to seal.

  • Slice the rolls:

Using a sharp knife or unflavored dental floss, cut the log into 12 equal-sized rolls.

  • Place the rolls:

Place the rolls in a greased baking dish, leaving a little space between each roll for them to expand.

  • Second rise:

Cover the rolls with a kitchen towel or plastic wrap and let them rise again in a warm place for about 30-45 minutes, until they are puffy.

  • Bake:

Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Once the rolls have risen, bake them in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes, or until they are golden brown.

  • Make the icing:

While the rolls are baking, prepare the icing by whisking together powdered sugar, milk, and vanilla extract until smooth.

  • Ice the rolls:

Once the rolls are done baking and still warm, drizzle the icing over the top. Serve warm and enjoy your delicious homemade cinnamon rolls!

Step-by-Step Preparation Guide

Here’s a step-by-step preparation guide for making cinnamon rolls with a focus on dough texture and assembly with blueberries:

Preparation of Dough:

  1. Activate the yeast: In a small bowl, combine warm milk (about 110°F or 45°C) with a packet of active dry yeast. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes until it becomes frothy. This indicates that the yeast is active and ready to use.
  2. Mix dry ingredients: In a large mixing bowl, whisk together 4 cups of all-purpose flour, 1/3 cup of granulated sugar, and 1 teaspoon of salt. Ensuring even distribution of dry ingredients will lead to a uniform dough.
  3. Combine wet ingredients: Create a well in the center of the dry ingredients and pour in the activated yeast mixture along with melted unsalted butter (1/4 cup) and two large beaten eggs. Mixing wet ingredients separately helps to evenly distribute them throughout the dough.
  4. Knead the dough: Using a stand mixer with a dough hook attachment or by hand on a floured surface, knead the dough until it becomes smooth and elastic. This typically takes about 5-7 minutes. Add more flour if the dough is too sticky, or a little more warm milk if it’s too dry. The dough should be soft and pliable.
  5. First rise: Place the dough in a greased bowl, cover it with a clean kitchen towel or plastic wrap, and let it rise in a warm place for about 1-2 hours, or until it doubles in size. This allows the yeast to ferment and the dough to develop flavor and structure.

Assembly with Layers of Dough, Blueberries, and Sugar Mix:

  1. Roll out the dough: Once the dough has doubled in size, punch it down to release air bubbles and transfer it to a floured surface. Roll it out into a large rectangle, about 1/4 inch thick. Ensuring an even thickness will result in uniform baking.
  2. Spread butter and sugar mix: Spread softened unsalted butter (about 1/3 cup) evenly over the rolled-out dough, leaving a small border around the edges. Then, sprinkle a mixture of packed brown sugar (about 1 cup) and ground cinnamon (about 2 1/2 tablespoons) over the butter layer. This creates the classic cinnamon sugar filling.
  3. Add blueberries: Scatter fresh or thawed frozen blueberries evenly over the sugar mixture. Gently press them into the dough to ensure they adhere.
  4. Roll the dough: Starting from one long edge, tightly roll the dough into a log. Be gentle but firm to maintain the integrity of the layers and fillings.
  5. Slice the rolls: Using a sharp knife or unflavored dental floss, cut the log into 12 equal-sized rolls. To ensure even slices, you can mark the dough first and then cut along the marks.
  6. Arrange in a baking dish: Place the rolls in a greased baking dish, leaving a little space between each roll for them to expand during baking. You can also use parchment paper to line the dish for easier cleanup.
  7. Second rise: Cover the rolls with a kitchen towel or plastic wrap and let them rise again in a warm place for about 30-45 minutes, until they are puffy. This second rise allows the rolls to expand and become light and airy.
  8. Bake: Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Once the rolls have risen, bake them in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes, or until they are golden brown and the blueberries are bubbling.
  9. Cool and serve: Allow the cinnamon rolls to cool slightly before serving. Optionally, you can drizzle them with icing or glaze for added sweetness. Enjoy your delicious homemade cinnamon rolls with a burst of juicy blueberries in every bite!

Baking and Serving

Here’s a guide on how to properly bake cinnamon rolls to achieve the right consistency and some tips on avoiding common baking pitfalls:

Baking Instructions:

  1. Preheat the Oven: Before you start baking, preheat your oven to the specified temperature, typically around 350°F (175°C) for cinnamon rolls. Ensuring the oven is properly preheated allows for even baking from the start.
  2. Placement in the Oven: When placing the cinnamon rolls in the oven, position the baking dish in the center rack. This ensures even heat distribution, leading to uniform baking.
  3. Monitor Baking Time: Keep a close eye on the cinnamon rolls as they bake. They typically take around 25-30 minutes to bake to golden perfection, but oven temperatures can vary. Start checking for doneness around the 20-minute mark to avoid over-baking.
  4. Check for Doneness: To check if the cinnamon rolls are done, insert a toothpick into the center of a roll. If it comes out clean or with just a few moist crumbs clinging to it, the rolls are ready. Avoid over-baking, as this can result in dry cinnamon rolls.
  5. Golden Brown Color: Look for a golden brown color on the top of the rolls. This indicates that the dough has baked through and the exterior is crisp while the interior remains soft and fluffy.
  6. Bubbling Blueberries: If you’ve added blueberries to your cinnamon rolls, look for bubbling blueberries in the filling. This indicates that the fruit has released its juices and caramelized slightly, adding flavor and moisture to the rolls.

Tips to Avoid Common Baking Pitfalls:

  1. Proper Yeast Activation: Ensure that your yeast is fresh and properly activated. If the yeast mixture doesn’t become frothy after sitting for 5-10 minutes, it may be inactive, and your dough won’t rise properly.
  2. Even Dough Thickness: Roll out the dough into a consistent thickness to ensure even baking. An uneven dough thickness can result in some rolls being undercooked while others are overcooked.
  3. Sealing the Rolls: When rolling the dough into a log and slicing it into individual rolls, make sure to pinch the seam tightly to prevent the rolls from unraveling during baking.
  4. Room for Rising: Leave enough space between the rolls in the baking dish to allow for expansion during the second rise and baking. Crowding the rolls too closely together can cause them to bake unevenly or stick together.
  5. Covering During Baking: If you notice the tops of the rolls browning too quickly during baking, loosely cover the baking dish with aluminum foil to prevent them from burning while the interior finishes baking.
  6. Cooling Before Serving: Allow the cinnamon rolls to cool for a few minutes in the baking dish before serving. This allows them to set slightly and makes them easier to handle. However, cinnamon rolls are best enjoyed warm, so don’t let them cool completely before serving.

By following these baking instructions and tips, you’ll be able to bake perfect cinnamon rolls with the right consistency every time, avoiding common pitfalls along the way. Enjoy your delicious homemade treats!


“Monkey bread” is a sweet, pull-apart bread made from balls of dough coated in cinnamon sugar and baked together. It’s called “monkey bread” due to its characteristic style of eating by pulling apart small, individual pieces with one’s fingers, much like a monkey would eat.

The taste of monkey bread is sweet and indulgent, with a combination of cinnamon, sugar, and butter flavors permeating throughout the soft, fluffy bread. The caramelization of the sugar and butter during baking adds richness and depth to the flavor.

The origins of monkey bread are not definitively known, but it is believed to have originated in the United States. It gained popularity in American households during the mid-20th century and has since become a classic comfort food and favorite dessert in many households and gatherings.

Yes, you can use frozen blueberries in baking bread, including cinnamon rolls or monkey bread. However, there are a few important considerations:

  1. Thawing: If using frozen blueberries, it’s best to thaw them first and drain any excess liquid. This helps prevent excess moisture from making the dough too wet, which can affect the texture of the bread.
  2. Coating with Flour: After thawing and draining the blueberries, toss them lightly in a small amount of flour before adding them to the dough. This helps to absorb any remaining moisture and prevents the blueberries from sinking to the bottom of the bread during baking.
  3. Adjusting Baking Time: When using frozen blueberries, you may need to adjust the baking time slightly, as they can lower the temperature of the dough and increase the overall baking time. Keep an eye on the bread as it bakes and adjust the time accordingly to ensure it is baked through and golden brown.

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