Delicious Cinnamon Sugar French Toast Roll Ups Recipe


Cinnamon Sugar French Toast Roll Ups are a delightful twist on the classic French toast, combining the comforting flavors of cinnamon and sugar with a fun, roll-up presentation. These delicious breakfast treats have become a favorite for many due to their ease of preparation and versatility. Originating from traditional French toast recipes, these roll ups have gained popularity for their unique form and the ability to customize with various fillings.

Ingredients and Preparation

Creating Cinnamon Sugar French Toast Roll Ups requires simple, readily available ingredients:

  • Bread (preferably white or brioche)
  • Cream cheese (optional)
  • Fresh fruit (strawberries, bananas, etc.)
  • Cinnamon sugar mixture
  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Vanilla extract
  • Butter for frying

Preparation Steps:

  1. Prepare the Bread:
    • Cut the crusts off the bread slices.
    • Flatten each slice with a rolling pin.
  2. Add Fillings:
    • Spread cream cheese or add fresh fruit onto each slice.
    • Roll the bread tightly into logs.
  3. Prepare the Egg Mixture:
    • In a bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, and vanilla extract.
  4. Coat the Rolls:
    • Dip each roll into the egg mixture, ensuring it’s fully coated.
  5. Cook the Roll Ups:
    • Heat butter in a pan over medium heat.
    • Fry the rolls until golden brown on all sides.

For additional tips on ingredient selection and preparation, check out Scrambled Chefs’ Cinnamon Roll French Toast Roll Ups.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Achieving perfect Cinnamon Sugar French Toast Roll Ups involves careful attention to each cooking step:

  1. Flattening and Rolling:
    • Ensure the bread is evenly flattened for consistent cooking.
    • Roll tightly to prevent fillings from leaking.
  2. Dipping:
    • Thoroughly coat each roll in the egg mixture to avoid dry spots.
  3. Frying:
    • Maintain medium heat to cook through without burning.
    • Turn rolls frequently for even browning.

Avoid common mistakes like using stale bread or frying at too high a temperature, which can result in uneven cooking. For more detailed instructions, refer to Tasty’s Cinnamon Roll French Toast Roll-up Recipe.

Variations and Customizations

One of the joys of making French Toast Roll Ups is the ability to customize:

  • Fillings:
    • Chocolate, peanut butter, or jam
    • Fresh fruits like blueberries, raspberries, or apples
    • Cream cheese mixtures with honey or flavored spreads
  • Healthier Alternatives:
    • Use whole wheat or gluten-free bread
    • Substitute regular milk with almond or oat milk
    • Opt for natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup
  • Vegan Options:
    • Replace eggs with a mixture of flaxseed and water
    • Use dairy-free cream cheese and plant-based milk

Serving Suggestions

Serve your Cinnamon Sugar French Toast Roll Ups with a variety of accompaniments to enhance the experience:

  • Toppings:
    • Powdered sugar
    • Maple syrup
    • Fresh fruit slices
  • Side Dishes:
    • Bacon or sausage for a savory contrast
    • Yogurt or smoothie bowls for a balanced meal
  • Presentation Tips:
    • Arrange rolls on a platter with a dusting of powdered sugar
    • Serve with small bowls of dipping sauces

Nutritional Information

Understanding the nutritional content helps in making informed choices:

  • Calories: Approximately 150-200 per roll up (varies by ingredients)
  • Macronutrients:
    • Carbohydrates: 20-30g
    • Proteins: 5-7g
    • Fats: 7-10g
  • Health Benefits:
    • Provides a good source of energy for breakfast
    • Can be modified to include more fiber and protein

Common Questions and Troubleshooting

What type of bread is best for French Toast Roll Ups?

  • A: Soft, white or brioche bread works best as it flattens easily and absorbs the egg mixture well.

Can I prepare them in advance?

  • A: Yes, you can assemble the rolls the night before and cook them in the morning.

How do I keep the roll ups from getting soggy?

  • A: Ensure the pan is properly heated and avoid overcrowding the pan to maintain crispness.

For further tips and troubleshooting, visit Taste of Home’s French Toast Roll-Ups.

Ingredients and Preparation

In the culinary world, mastering the art of combining the right ingredients with impeccable preparation techniques can elevate a dish from good to extraordinary. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a novice cook, understanding the essentials of ingredients and their preparation is crucial. Let’s dive into the intricacies of crafting culinary wonders.

Detailed List of Ingredients

Every masterpiece starts with the right components. Here’s a meticulous breakdown of the ingredients you’ll need to create gastronomic delights:

  • Fresh Produce: From vibrant vegetables to succulent fruits, opt for locally sourced, seasonal produce to infuse your dish with flavor and nutrients.
  • Protein Power: Whether it’s tender cuts of meat, delicate seafood, or hearty legumes, select high-quality proteins to serve as the foundation of your dish.
  • Flavor Enhancers: Elevate your creation with aromatic herbs, pungent spices, zesty citrus, and umami-rich condiments, adding depth and complexity to every bite.
  • Staples and Grains: From pantry essentials like rice, pasta, and flour to wholesome grains like quinoa and barley, choose the base ingredients that complement your dish.

Preparation Steps

Once you’ve gathered your ingredients, it’s time to embark on the journey of preparation. Follow these systematic steps to ensure culinary perfection:

  1. Prep Work: Begin by washing, peeling, and chopping your ingredients with precision. Organize your workstation to streamline the cooking process.
  2. Masterful Techniques: Employ various cooking methods such as sautéing, roasting, braising, and grilling to coax out the flavors and textures of each component.
  3. Balanced Seasoning: Taste as you go and adjust seasoning accordingly. Strike a harmonious balance between saltiness, sweetness, acidity, and spiciness to tantalize the taste buds.
  4. Artful Plating: Presentation matters. Plate your dish with care, considering color, texture, and arrangement to create a visually stunning masterpiece.

Tips for Selecting the Best Ingredients

When it comes to ingredient selection, quality reigns supreme. Here are some expert tips to ensure you choose the finest ingredients for your culinary creations:

  • Freshness is Key: Opt for fresh, seasonal ingredients at their peak ripeness to maximize flavor and nutritional value.
  • Know Your Source: Build relationships with local farmers, fishermen, and artisans to access the freshest produce and sustainably sourced proteins.
  • Inspect with Care: Examine fruits, vegetables, and meats for signs of freshness, avoiding bruised, wilted, or discolored items.
  • Read Labels: When purchasing packaged goods, scrutinize labels for artificial additives, preservatives, and excessive sodium or sugar content.

In conclusion, the art of crafting exquisite dishes lies in the seamless integration of premium ingredients and meticulous preparation techniques. With this comprehensive guide, you’re equipped to embark on culinary adventures and delight your senses with every mouthful. Happy cooking!

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Roll ups are a delightful culinary creation that combines savory fillings wrapped in a thin, delicate layer. Perfecting this dish requires attention to detail and finesse in each step of the cooking process. Let’s unravel the secrets to crafting flawless roll ups.

Detailed Instructions

1. Preparation

  • Gather Ingredients: Collect all the necessary ingredients, including tortillas, fillings (such as meats, cheeses, vegetables), sauces, and any additional toppings.
  • Prep Fillings: Prepare your fillings by slicing, shredding, or cooking them to the desired consistency and flavor. Ensure they are well-seasoned and ready for assembly.
  • Warm Tortillas: Warm the tortillas slightly to make them more pliable. You can do this by heating them in a skillet or microwave for a few seconds.

2. Assembly

  • Lay Out Tortillas: Place a tortilla flat on a clean, dry surface. Spread a thin layer of sauce or spread evenly over the tortilla, leaving a border around the edges.
  • Add Fillings: Arrange your fillings in a line or evenly distribute them across the center of the tortilla. Be mindful not to overfill, as it may make rolling difficult.
  • Roll Up: Gently fold the sides of the tortilla over the fillings, then roll it tightly from bottom to top, keeping the filling secure inside. Repeat this process for each roll up.

3. Cooking

  • Heat Pan: Heat a non-stick skillet or grill pan over medium heat. Lightly grease the surface with oil or cooking spray.
  • Cook Roll Ups: Place the assembled roll ups seam-side down onto the hot pan. Cook for 2-3 minutes on each side, or until golden brown and crispy.
  • Rotate as Needed: Rotate the roll ups occasionally to ensure even cooking and browning on all sides.

4. Serving

  • Slice and Plate: Once cooked, transfer the roll ups to a cutting board and slice them into bite-sized pieces using a sharp knife.
  • Garnish and Serve: Arrange the roll ups on a serving platter and garnish with fresh herbs, salsa, sour cream, or any desired toppings. Serve hot and enjoy!

Tips for Perfecting the Roll Ups

  • Even Distribution: Ensure fillings are evenly distributed across the tortilla to prevent uneven rolling and spilling.
  • Secure Rolling: Press down gently on the roll ups after rolling to seal the edges and keep them intact during cooking.
  • Proper Heating: Adjust the cooking temperature as needed to achieve a crisp exterior while ensuring the fillings are heated through.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Overfilling: Avoid overstuffing the roll ups, as it can lead to difficulty in rolling and messy presentation.
  • Insufficient Rolling: Roll the tortillas tightly to prevent fillings from falling out during cooking or serving.
  • Inadequate Heating: Ensure the roll ups are cooked evenly on all sides to avoid undercooked or soggy portions.

With these step-by-step instructions, helpful tips, and pitfalls to avoid, you’re well-equipped to create delectable roll ups that will impress family and friends alike.

Variations and Customizations

While traditional roll ups are undeniably delicious, experimenting with different fillings and customizations can take this dish to new heights. Whether you’re craving something sweet, seeking healthier options, or accommodating dietary preferences, there’s a roll up variation for everyone.

Different Fillings

1. Chocolate Delight

  • Ingredients: Spread a layer of creamy chocolate hazelnut spread onto a tortilla, then add sliced bananas or strawberries for a burst of freshness.
  • Preparation: Roll up the tortilla tightly and lightly grill or warm it for a decadent dessert option.

2. Fresh and Fruity

  • Ingredients: Fill the tortilla with a mixture of diced fresh fruits such as mangoes, berries, and kiwi. Drizzle with honey or a fruit sauce for added sweetness.
  • Preparation: Roll up the fruity filling and serve chilled for a refreshing snack or dessert.

3. Creamy Cheese Pleasure

  • Ingredients: Spread a generous layer of whipped cream cheese onto the tortilla, then top with thinly sliced smoked salmon, cucumber, and dill for a savory twist.
  • Preparation: Roll up the creamy cheese and seafood filling, then slice into pinwheels for an elegant appetizer.

Healthier Alternatives

  • Whole Grain Tortillas: Opt for whole grain or multigrain tortillas for added fiber and nutrients.
  • Lean Protein Fillings: Choose lean proteins such as grilled chicken, turkey, or tofu for a healthier option.
  • Fresh Vegetable Fillings: Load up on fresh vegetables like spinach, bell peppers, and avocado for added vitamins and minerals.

Vegan and Gluten-Free Options

  • Vegan Fillings: Experiment with fillings like hummus, roasted vegetables, and avocado for a satisfying vegan option.
  • Gluten-Free Tortillas: Swap traditional flour tortillas for gluten-free alternatives made from corn, rice, or chickpea flour to accommodate gluten sensitivities.

By embracing these variations and customizations, you can transform simple roll ups into versatile creations that cater to diverse tastes and dietary needs.

Serving Suggestions

Enhance the dining experience and delight your guests by serving roll ups with complementary syrups, tantalizing toppings, and carefully selected side dishes. Elevate not only the flavors but also the presentation to create a memorable culinary affair.

Pairing with Syrups and Toppings

  • Maple Drizzle: Drizzle warm maple syrup over sweet roll ups filled with chocolate and fruit for a delightful indulgence.
  • Savory Sauces: Serve savory roll ups with a selection of dipping sauces such as marinara, tzatziki, or spicy aioli for added depth of flavor.
  • Whipped Cream and Berries: Garnish dessert roll ups with a dollop of whipped cream and a sprinkle of fresh berries to add a burst of color and freshness.

Ideal Side Dishes

  • Fresh Salad: Accompany roll ups with a crisp garden salad dressed with vinaigrette to balance out the richness of the dish.
  • Roasted Vegetables: Serve roasted vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, and zucchini as a wholesome side to complement savory roll ups.
  • Crispy Chips: Pair roll ups with a side of crispy tortilla chips and homemade salsa for a Tex-Mex-inspired feast.

Presentation Tips

  • Platter Perfection: Arrange roll ups neatly on a platter, alternating colors and flavors for visual appeal.
  • Garnish with Fresh Herbs: Sprinkle chopped herbs such as parsley, cilantro, or chives over the roll ups to add a pop of color and freshness.
  • Creative Plating: Experiment with different serving vessels such as wooden boards, slate tiles, or decorative plates to enhance the presentation.

With these serving suggestions, you can elevate the enjoyment of roll ups, transforming them into a culinary masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression on your guests.


  • What type of bread is best for French Toast Roll Ups?
    • Soft, white or brioche bread.
  • Can I prepare them in advance?
    • Yes, assemble and refrigerate, then cook fresh.
  • How do I keep the roll ups from getting soggy?
    • Proper pan heating and avoiding overcrowding are key.

Expert Tips and Tricks

  • Chefs’ Advice:
    • Use slightly stale bread for better absorption.
    • Roll the bread tightly to keep the fillings inside.
  • Creative Ideas:
    • Add a sprinkle of nutmeg or cocoa powder to the cinnamon sugar mixture.
    • Serve with flavored syrups like caramel or strawberry.


Cinnamon Sugar French Toast Roll Ups are a versatile and delightful breakfast option that can be customized to suit any palate. With the right ingredients and techniques, you can create a delicious and visually appealing dish that will impress your family and friends. Don’t hesitate to experiment with different fillings and toppings to make this recipe your own. Happy cooking!

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