No Bake Blueberry Cheesecake: Your Ultimate Guide

No bake desserts are the quintessence of summer indulgence. When the heat soars, the last thing you want is to turn on the oven. This is where the no bake blueberry cheesecake comes into play, offering a perfect blend of cool, creamy texture and vibrant fruit flavors.

Ingredients & Substitutions

Here’s what you’ll need for this irresistible dessert:

  • Crust:

    • 175g finely ground pretzels or graham crackers for a sweeter taste
    • 50g granulated sugar
    • 170g unsalted butter
  • Filling:

    • 450g cream cheese, at room temperature
    • 100g granulated sugar
    • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
    • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
    • 240ml heavy cream, cold
  • Topping:

    • 490g blueberries, fresh or frozen
    • 1 tablespoon sugar
    • 1 teaspoon cornstarch
    • Optional: mint or basil leaves for garnish

Explore our full collection of delicious dessert recipes here.

Substituting ingredients can be easy! For a gluten-free option, use gluten-free cookies for the crust. Learn more about substitutions and their effects on the final dessert from this resource on How to Whip Cream to Stiff Peaks.

Step-by-Step Recipe Instructions

Preparing the Crust

  1. Combine the pretzels and sugar in a large bowl.
  2. Melt the butter over medium heat until browned, then pour it over your pretzel mixture.
  3. Press the mixture into a pie pan and freeze while you prepare the filling.

Making the Filling

  1. In a stand mixer, blend the cream cheese and sugar until smooth.
  2. Add vanilla and lemon juice, integrating thoroughly.
  3. Gradually add the heavy cream and whip to stiff peaks for that perfect cheesecake consistency.

Assembling the Cheesecake

  1. Spoon the filling over your chilled crust.
  2. Refrigerate for at least 8 hours, allowing the cheesecake to set.

Decorating the Cheesecake

  1. Prepare the blueberry topping by cooking part of the blueberries with sugar and cornstarch until thick.
  2. Mix with fresh blueberries and spread over the set cheesecake.
  3. Garnish with mint or basil leaves before serving.

Additional Tips and Tricks

  • Avoid Common Mistakes: Overmixing can lead to a runny filling. Mix just until ingredients are combined.
  • Decorations: Enhance your cheesecake’s appearance with fresh herbs. Find inspiration and tips at Decorating Desserts with Herbs.

Preparing the Crust Blueberry Cheesecake

here’s a recipe for preparing the crust for a blueberry cheesecake:


  • 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
  2. In a mixing bowl, combine the graham cracker crumbs and granulated sugar.
  3. Pour the melted butter over the crumb mixture and stir until all the crumbs are evenly coated.
  4. Press the mixture firmly into the bottom of a 9-inch springform pan, using the back of a spoon or your fingers to create an even layer.
  5. Bake the crust in the preheated oven for 8-10 minutes, or until it’s set and lightly golden.
  6. Remove the crust from the oven and let it cool completely before adding the cheesecake filling.

Once your crust is ready, you can proceed with making the blueberry cheesecake filling and assembling the rest of the dessert. Enjoy!

Detailed steps on making the crust, including tips for pressing it into the pan.

Here’s a more detailed step-by-step guide for making the crust, including tips for pressing it into the pan:


  • 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted


  • Prepare the Pan:

Start by preparing a 9-inch springform pan. To do this, lightly grease the bottom and sides of the pan with butter or cooking spray. This will prevent the crust from sticking to the pan.

  • Crush the Graham Crackers:

Place the graham crackers in a large zip-top plastic bag or in a food processor. Crush them into fine crumbs. You can use a rolling pin to crush them in the bag or pulse them in the food processor until you achieve a fine consistency.

  • Combine Ingredients:

In a mixing bowl, combine the graham cracker crumbs and granulated sugar. Stir them together until they are evenly mixed.

  • Melt the Butter:

In a microwave-safe bowl or on the stove, melt the unsalted butter until it’s completely liquid.

  • Mix Ingredients:

Pour the melted butter over the crumb mixture in the mixing bowl. Use a spoon or spatula to mix everything together until all the crumbs are evenly coated with butter. The mixture should resemble wet sand and clump together when pressed.

  • Transfer Mixture to Pan:

Pour the crumb mixture into the prepared springform pan. Use the back of a spoon, the bottom of a measuring cup, or your fingers to evenly distribute and press the mixture firmly into the bottom of the pan. Make sure to press it down firmly and evenly to create a solid crust base.

  • Pressing Tips:

When pressing the crust into the pan, start from the center and work your way outward. Press firmly and evenly to ensure the crust holds together well and forms a solid base for the cheesecake. Pay extra attention to the edges and corners to make sure they are well-packed.

  • Smooth Surface:

After pressing the crust into the pan, use the back of a spoon or the flat bottom of a glass to smooth out the surface of the crust. This will help create an even base for your cheesecake filling.

  • Bake the Crust:

Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Once the crust is pressed into the pan and smoothed out, bake it in the preheated oven for 8-10 minutes, or until it’s set and lightly golden.

  • Cool Completely:

Remove the crust from the oven and let it cool completely before adding the cheesecake filling. This will prevent the crust from becoming soggy.

Now that your crust is ready, you can proceed with making the blueberry cheesecake filling and assembling the rest of the dessert. Enjoy your homemade blueberry cheesecake!

Step-by-step instructions for the filling, highlighting the importance of ingredient temperatures and mixing techniques.

Here’s a step-by-step guide for making the blueberry cheesecake filling, emphasizing the importance of ingredient temperatures and mixing techniques:


  • 3 (8-ounce) packages cream cheese, softened to room temperature
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 3 large eggs, at room temperature
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries (if using frozen, thaw and drain excess liquid)


  • Prepare Ingredients:

Before you start, make sure all your ingredients are at the right temperature. The cream cheese and eggs should be at room temperature to ensure smooth blending and prevent lumps in your cheesecake batter.

  • Preheat Oven:

Preheat your oven to 325°F (160°C). It’s essential to have the oven preheated to the correct temperature to ensure even baking of the cheesecake.

  • Beat Cream Cheese:

In a large mixing bowl, beat the softened cream cheese with an electric mixer on medium speed until it’s smooth and creamy. Scrape down the sides of the bowl as needed to ensure all the cream cheese is well incorporated.

  • Add Sugar:

Gradually add the granulated sugar to the cream cheese while continuing to beat on medium speed. Beat until the sugar is fully incorporated and the mixture is smooth. Again, scrape down the sides of the bowl to ensure even mixing.

  • Incorporate Eggs:

One at a time, add the eggs to the cream cheese mixture, beating well after each addition. Adding the eggs one at a time ensures they are fully incorporated into the batter without overmixing. Overmixing can incorporate too much air into the batter, which can lead to cracks in the cheesecake during baking.

  • Add Vanilla Extract:

Once the eggs are fully incorporated, add the vanilla extract to the batter and beat until it’s evenly distributed. Vanilla extract adds flavor to the cheesecake and enhances its overall taste.

  • Fold in Blueberries:

Gently fold the fresh or thawed and drained blueberries into the cheesecake batter using a spatula. Be gentle to avoid crushing the blueberries or overmixing the batter.

  • Prepare Crust:

Pour the prepared blueberry cheesecake filling over the cooled crust in the springform pan. Use a spatula to spread the filling evenly over the crust and smooth out the top.

  • Bake Cheesecake:

Place the filled springform pan in the preheated oven and bake for 45-55 minutes, or until the edges are set but the center still has a slight jiggle. Overbaking can lead to a dry cheesecake, so it’s crucial to watch it closely toward the end of the baking time.

  • Cool and Chill:

Once baked, remove the cheesecake from the oven and let it cool completely at room temperature. Once cooled, refrigerate the cheesecake for at least 4 hours or overnight to firm up before serving.

Following these steps will help you create a delicious blueberry cheesecake with a smooth and creamy texture. Enjoy your homemade dessert!

Instructions on how to assemble and what to avoid for the best texture.

Here’s a guide on how to assemble your blueberry cheesecake for the best texture, along with some tips on what to avoid:

Assembling the Blueberry Cheesecake:

  • 1. Prepare the Crust:

Ensure that your crust is fully cooled before assembling the cheesecake. A warm crust can affect the texture of the filling and may cause it to become soggy. If necessary, transfer the cooled crust to a serving plate or cake stand.

  • 2. Add the Filling:

Once your crust is ready, carefully pour the prepared blueberry cheesecake filling over the crust in the springform pan. Use a spatula to evenly spread the filling, ensuring it reaches the edges of the crust.

  • 3. Smooth the Surface:

After pouring the filling, use a spatula or the back of a spoon to smooth out the surface of the cheesecake filling. This will help create an even texture and appearance.

  • 4. Tap Out Air Bubbles:

Lightly tap the filled springform pan on the counter to help release any air bubbles trapped in the filling. Air bubbles can create pockets in the cheesecake and affect its texture, so it’s essential to remove them before baking.

  • 5. Bake with Care:

When baking the cheesecake, be cautious not to overbake it. Overbaking can cause the edges to become dry and may result in a cracked or tough texture. Keep an eye on the cheesecake toward the end of the baking time and remove it from the oven when the edges are set but the center still has a slight jiggle.

  • 6. Cool Gradually:

After baking, allow the cheesecake to cool gradually. Avoid placing it in a drafty area or exposing it to rapid temperature changes, as this can cause the cheesecake to crack. Let it cool in the turned-off oven with the door cracked open for about an hour before transferring it to the countertop to cool completely.

  • 7. Chill Thoroughly:

Once the cheesecake has cooled to room temperature, cover it with plastic wrap or aluminum foil and refrigerate it for at least 4 hours or overnight. Chilling the cheesecake allows it to set properly and develop its ideal texture.

What to Avoid for the Best Texture:

  • 1. Overmixing:

Avoid overmixing the cheesecake batter, especially after adding the eggs. Overmixing can incorporate too much air into the batter, leading to a lighter texture that may crack during baking.

  • 2. Overbaking:

Be careful not to overbake the cheesecake. Overbaking can result in a dry, tough texture. Remove the cheesecake from the oven when the edges are set but the center still has a slight jiggle.

  • 3. Sudden Temperature Changes:

Avoid exposing the cheesecake to sudden temperature changes, as this can cause it to crack. Allow it to cool gradually to room temperature before transferring it to the refrigerator.

By following these assembly tips and avoiding common pitfalls, you’ll be able to achieve a perfectly textured blueberry cheesecake that’s creamy, smooth, and utterly delicious!


The preference between baked and no-bake cheesecake often comes down to personal taste. Both types have their own unique qualities and advantages:

Baked Cheesecake:

  • Typically has a denser texture compared to no-bake cheesecake.
  • Requires baking in the oven, which can result in a slightly caramelized flavor and a firmer texture.
  • May have a more traditional cheesecake taste and appearance.
  • Baked cheesecakes often hold up better at room temperature and are more stable for slicing and serving.

No-Bake Cheesecake:

  • Does not require baking, making it quicker and easier to prepare.
  • Has a lighter, creamier texture compared to baked cheesecake.
  • Often incorporates whipped cream or gelatin to help it set.
  • May have a milder flavor profile and a softer consistency.
  • No-bake cheesecakes are typically served chilled and may not hold up as well at room temperature.

As for your questions about no-bake cheesecake:

Does No-Bake Cheesecake Get Firm?

  • Yes, a properly made no-bake cheesecake should become firm after being chilled in the refrigerator. The addition of ingredients like whipped cream or gelatin helps stabilize the cheesecake filling and give it structure as it chills.

Why Didn’t My No-Bake Cheesecake Set?

  • There are several reasons why a no-bake cheesecake may not set properly:
    1. Insufficient chilling time: No-bake cheesecakes need adequate time to set in the refrigerator. If you don’t chill it long enough, it may remain too soft.
    2. Incorrect ingredient proportions: If the recipe ratios are off, or if you didn’t use enough stabilizing ingredients like whipped cream or gelatin, the cheesecake may not set properly.
    3. Improper mixing: Overmixing or undermixing the ingredients can affect the texture and stability of the cheesecake filling.
    4. Temperature fluctuations: Avoid exposing the cheesecake to warm temperatures or drastic temperature changes, as this can interfere with the setting process.

How Do You Keep a No-Bake Cheesecake Firm?

  • To keep a no-bake cheesecake firm, ensure that you:
    1. Chill it for the recommended amount of time specified in the recipe, usually at least 4 hours or overnight.
    2. Use proper proportions of stabilizing ingredients such as whipped cream, gelatin, or sour cream to help the cheesecake set.
    3. Handle it gently and avoid exposing it to warm temperatures or fluctuations in temperature.
    4. If needed, you can also briefly freeze the cheesecake to help firm it up before serving, but be cautious not to freeze it for too long, as it may affect the texture.

With careful preparation and proper chilling, you can achieve a delicious and firm no-bake cheesecake that’s perfect for any occasion.

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